A Professional VBA developer has a tendency of writing code by following globally accepted standards. We can say that applying the name of procedure, titling every procedure and also short description of every module.
It is recommended especially for points below listed:
Name of Module: Your every module should have a specific name, which will help you to know the function of that module. Normally when you are working on big projects, that helps you to identify the module.
Normally naming the module you should prefix as md/mod/m and for Class Module cls is the globally used prefix
An example, I have highlighted in yellow in below example.
It becomes necessary that you should have a default line "Option Explicit" on every start of module. And start writing procedure. This helps you to minimize the error while executing the code. If you cannot see the default line in module, you can select from Tool -> Options available on VB Editor ribbon as shown in below figure an Option window will appear. Just check "Require Variable Declaration" and OK button.
By selecting, you have to declare each variable explicitly. This helps optimizing execution of your procedure. Also you do not encounter any errors related to variable data types.
Once you are done, you can start writing procedure in module.
Keep in mind to specify title to every procedure may it be in a module or different modules
Procedure Name: The name of procedure should be meaning full and unique.
Name should not be too length, this will be difficult when you
are referencing or calling the procedure in some other module.
Description : Describe in short the purpose of procedure. for example
Description : Describe in short the purpose of procedure. for example
Performs auto emailing to receiver from list of email ID in sheet
Calls : Mention the name of any other procedure or function that is
Calls : Mention the name of any other procedure or function that is
used in this procedure
Arguments : Write the names of specific arguments or variable, which has
Arguments : Write the names of specific arguments or variable, which has
impact in this procedure
Comment : Write clear comments if you have any
Comment : Write clear comments if you have any
Date | Developer | Comments
Date of Creating Procedure or date of any changes done later
Name of Developer or modifier
Comments of any changes done, this should be in short.
Variable declaration
Based on Data types your variable should have prefix as listed below for instance
Normally scope of variables can be further divided in three types
- Variables declared locally
- Variables declared at Module/Procedure level
- Variables declared globally
Local Variables: These types of variables are declared locally and used for specific macro or snippet. These variables are not specifically declared and stores value used within the procedure or macro.
Variables declared at Module/Procedure level: Procedure level variables are not difference from local variable types, however these are declared explicitly in every procedure and also short info of that data variable is mentioned
for example:
s/str | String |
b/bln | Boolean |
n/int | Integer |
v/vnt | Variant |
rng | Range |
wks | Worksheet |
wbk | Workbook |
cht | Chart |
shp | Shape |
dbl | Double |
flt | float |
byte | byte |
obj | object |
Finally Comes
Variables declared globally: These types of variables are globally declared to use in entire project, for example
Public gFirstName as string
Public gLastName as String
Public gBirthDate as Date
Or even User Defined Data Types for example
Type E_Employee
Variables declared globally: These types of variables are globally declared to use in entire project, for example
Public gFirstName as string
Public gLastName as String
Public gBirthDate as Date
Or even User Defined Data Types for example
Type E_Employee
gID As Long
gName As String
gSalary As Currency
End Type
Further you can use User Defined Variables in your procedure as shown below
Dim EmpDetail as E_Employee
EmpDetail.gID = 12345
EmpDetail.gName = "Aurther John"
EmpDetail.gSalary = $2333.54
These are now available to use globally and access globally. Global Variable are always declared before start of procedure or module.
Every Individual developer follows prefix as it is convenient, however you should follow the same standard pattern of naming the variables throughout your project.
Even if you are creating an Userform with multiple Activex Controls, always use prefix to every controls, few example listed below
cbo Combo box
chk Checkbox
cmd Command button
dir Directory list box
dlg Common dialog control
drv Drive list box
fil File list box
fra Frame
frm Form
img Image
lbl Label
lst List box
opt Option button
out Outline control
pic Picture
sbr Scroll bar
shp Shape
spn Spin
txt Textbox
When you are dealing with objects
db/dbs Database
rs/rst Recordset
ds Dynaset
tbl Table
qry Query
tdf TableDef
qdf QueryDef
rpt Report
fld Field
xl Excel object
wrd Word object
Hope you understand the concept of following the Coding Standards.
gName As String
gSalary As Currency
End Type
Further you can use User Defined Variables in your procedure as shown below
Dim EmpDetail as E_Employee
EmpDetail.gID = 12345
EmpDetail.gName = "Aurther John"
EmpDetail.gSalary = $2333.54
These are now available to use globally and access globally. Global Variable are always declared before start of procedure or module.
Every Individual developer follows prefix as it is convenient, however you should follow the same standard pattern of naming the variables throughout your project.
Even if you are creating an Userform with multiple Activex Controls, always use prefix to every controls, few example listed below
cbo Combo box
chk Checkbox
cmd Command button
dir Directory list box
dlg Common dialog control
drv Drive list box
fil File list box
fra Frame
frm Form
img Image
lbl Label
lst List box
opt Option button
out Outline control
pic Picture
sbr Scroll bar
shp Shape
spn Spin
txt Textbox
When you are dealing with objects
db/dbs Database
rs/rst Recordset
ds Dynaset
tbl Table
qry Query
tdf TableDef
qdf QueryDef
rpt Report
fld Field
xl Excel object
wrd Word object
Hope you understand the concept of following the Coding Standards.
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