Functions and Formula in Excel

Functions and Formulas in Excel

Excel has numerous in-built Functions and Formulas that can be used to perform various tasks like Accounting, Data manipulation, data analysis, Graphs, Presentation. Applying logic to get result is the basic step to handle these functions. For e.g. AVERAGE, SUM, IF, ROUNDUP, AND, OR are some of the in built functions. Every function can be used by entering Values into it or by referencing. Every Function has a way of expression which we can say syntax. Further we will handle all functions that will help us to master EXCEL.

Functions are classified into:

Logical Function
              Logical functions are used for testing or perform checks within the table entered by using certain keywords. In short this is a logical test.  Below keywords are self-explanatory and only we need to know the way of using these functions.







For Instance
         IF statement: =IF(logical_test, Value_if_true, Value_if_false)
Using values: =IF(A is character – then – “It is Character” – Else – “It’s not a character”)
In above example we are testing character A to determine whether it is a character or not. Like-wise we can us IF statement in many other ways.
Logical Function in Excel

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