Text Functions

Inbuilt Functions in Excel are very user friendly and we can built our own nested function to get the expected result. 

Let us see the method or syntax of using functions, with few examples.

Text  Function helps to analyze data types of information, also helps us to convert numeric value into text. 

Text function also helps us to clean data in terms of hidden characters, spaces, converting values, fetching day, month name from date value.

1. CODE Function - Returns ASCII value of character
                              Ex: =CODE("A")   or CODE(A1)  A1 is cell range name
                                      Returns 65

2. CHAR Function -  Returns the Character Text of ASCII or numeric value
                               Ex: = CHAR(C1) here C1 is cell range name
                                       Returns A
3. LEFT Function - Returns the number of values from the reference cell
 In above example 7 characters from value in cell A1 is extracted, A4 left most 4 characters are extracted.

4. RIGHT Function - Returns right most number of characters supplied in formula.

5. MID Function -MID Function looks of set of characters and extract number of characters as specified in formula

Above example, we are trying to fetch word "Latest".

6. EXACT Function -Compares two text and returns TRUE if matches else FALSE if difference

7. REPLACE Function -Replaces the substring in supplied string by assigning position in formula. In below examples
1.          The starting position is 15, characters to replace are 4 with new value “2013”
2.          The Starting position is 9, characters to replace are 5 with new value “EXCEL”

 8. SUBSTITUTE Function -Replaces value without specifying  the position of replace text. The function searches for value supplied in formula & replaces with new if found.
 9.  PROPER Function -  Capitalizes the first letter of  the string.

10. UPPER Function -  Capitalizes all the letter in supplied string.
11. LOWER Function -  Sets all letters to lower  case.

12. TRIM Function - Trims the text by removing unwanted spaces used in string
13. CLEAN Function - Removes the non-printable letter in string
14. REPT Function - REPT repeats the letter at number of times specified in formula
15. Dollar Function - Prefixes $ Dollar Sign

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